The World You Thought You Knew – We Can Choose Our Future
To all subscribers at the end of 2024
Greetings to all for 2025.
I hope you are enjoying your Christmas break with Jesus Christ firmly at the centre and the real hope He brings to all humankind, rather than just the phrase ‘Happy Holidays’ and the false hope that the ‘World’ so often brings.
Anyway - the reason for this request is to ask if you would consider joining me in prayer, particularly during the first half of 2025. The reason is that I am attempting to write a book called ‘The World I Thought I Knew – We Can Choose Our Future’ to reveal not only the truth about what has been really happening to our world over the last (nearly five years, and actually, much longer, based on facts; not conspiracy theories. But I also want to speak of the urgency of our times. I desire to bring readers the REAL HOPE that we can all have in the future if we make the right choices, and I sense this to be a time of extreme concern. At this stage, I don’t know how long it will take me to write the book, but I am asking the Lord if, with His help and circumstances willing, it could be completed by, say, March - June 2025.
I realise, only too well, that people want to move on after the last 5 years of turmoil and confusion and for life to return to normal. But, I am aware that, as happens at the end of every year, come midnight on New Year’s Eve, people will be simply living in false hope, singing and dancing as they celebrate the New Year in places like the Trafalgar Square fountain whilst looking forward to better times ahead. (Please see the latest videos taken by an onlooker at Trafalgar Square where the word Christmas appears to be replaced by ‘Winter Holidays’ and the voice of a Muslim singing his call to Islamic Prayer – the adhan). It was the late David Pawson who, 10 years ago, attempted to reach Christian Leaders some years back with the message that the UK is in danger of being turned into an Islamic Land, but he was utterly rejected! - See parts 1,2,3 and 4 links also below
I want to provide people with hope, but I would also like it based on reality and truth about where we stand today, not on a mixture of half-truths, deceit and outright lies. People must realise what is needed to stand firm in the days, months and years ahead. In this respect, I would ask for the Lord’s help and guidance in knowing how to find the right words so that ordinary people will clearly understand the serious state that this country is in and the powerful dark forces it is up against. People need to realise that there is only one REAL HOPE, which is only found in Christ.
During the last few years, dozens and dozens of alternative media channel commentators, as well as podcasters, writers of websites, independent journalists, and authors, including doctors, scientists, technologists and many, many more, have been attempting to bring the truth about what has really been happening throughout the entire world in the belief that they can instil sufficient hope in members of the public to enable them to face the apparent onslaught taking place against humanity. I am so grateful to all of them. These people have shown great courage in standing up to the powerful and wealthy who have attempted to silence them with censorship, lies and deception using the enormous resources of the mainstream media at their disposal. Despite the odds against them, they have continued to speak out publicly, even at significant cost to their lives, families, reputations, careers, jobs and futures.
I believe that we should all ‘take our hats off ‘to them, so to speak, as they have been doing an excellent job trying to break through government propaganda. As always, they are supported by a powerful mainstream media company owned by the half dozen giant mega world corporations that control it all.
However, in writing this book, my heart and passion are to attempt to reach all people, everywhere, with a message based on REALITY that will provide REAL HOPE. The problem I know I am facing is that not many people in the Western World want to face reality. I am therefore aware that this task is probably beyond my current level of skills because I don’t have the background or experience in writing in this way, which is why I need God’s wisdom in being able to write words that reveal His purposes for the world together with His love for all mankind.
The last 5 years have never seen such a coordinated attack against humanity on such a vast scale, with all major Western Nations united on the same mission. The results so far have been devastating, resulting in not only severe hardship for millions of people, but it seems, a final attempt to turn people away from Christianity and Jesus as ‘The Way the Truth and The Life’. As a result, the United Kingdom and most other nations throughout the Western World have become Godless nations. But, make no mistake, this position has not come about overnight. It has been apparent over many years, and the lack of Christian resistance has finally allowed it to become highly vulnerable and susceptible to what is happening now. What is needed is a strong church with strong leadership that is prepared to speak truth to power, regardless of the costs, but, apart from a small minority of faithful Christian leaders, this appears to be sadly lacking.
Many thousands of people are saying the exact same thing but feel helpless in knowing how to combat the ‘powers that be’. They realise that ‘The World’, and particularly the Western World, stands at a serious crossroads in having to face a potential dystopian future (like that described in Aldous Huxley’s books – Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited) and are voicing extreme concern for their children and grandchildren.
The Bible says that we battle not against flesh and blood but against dark forces of evil in heavenly places, evidenced in these days in ways previously unknown on such a scale. Millions of people recognise this to be true in our day as never before and are doing all they can to bring hope to people. However, it will need hope that can only come from one source, and this requires a profound change of heart, humility, and repentance by millions of people, which only God can bring about. It then requires the tenacity of those prepared to live the life of Christ and His sufferings. There is no other way to true freedom.
I, too, believe that nations stand at a crossroads, but what is required more than at any time in history amongst the people is a sense of REALITY and TRUTH, not the false hopes that ‘the world’ would seek to bring. I believe that the future for the world we can expect is written clearly in the WORD of God (the Bible), but only strong Christians with a determination to bring the truth of Christ will be able to help bring about the change required to realign our hearts with God’s purposes But, it needs to be understood that it will be costly. Do most of us know what that will mean, and are we really ready to pay the price?
I realise that if this book is to be at all effective in reaching people with the truth, it will take the hand of the Lord as it is a big task that I am not sure my experience makes me up to the task. However, with God’s help and encouragement, I am passionate about completing it. Then, it is up to the living God to achieve His desired results.
The book cover I have chosen is:
Your prayers, whenever you think of me, will be well received.
May you all enjoy the rest of 2024 and as you move into the New Year ahead in 2025.
God’s blessing on you all
Graham Bridger
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