Today, Neil Oliver interviewed famous writer and journalist extraordinaire GLEN GREENWALD, who has been a bastion of truth for many years.
Glen is one of the world's most coherent writers and speakers today. However, you will probably need to listen to the video several times to pick out the nuggets of truth that Glen identifies.
This is probably the most critical and detailed explanation I have heard because Glen can articulate the heart of what is happening to our world today amid the turmoil, especially that caused by the last 5 ‘COVID’ years.
The content enables people to piece together WHY trust is rapidly disappearing in Western societies. How everything we have relied on in times past has created a sense of stability and cohesion amongst the people when, in truth, history has always been made from half-truths and lies, run by the people in real power, wealthy in the extreme, who act behind the scenes.
WHAT IS THE TRUTH? The existence we know has always been an illusion.
However, this knowledge is generally far too much for people to take in or understand. This is how elites with power and enormous wealth have created many differences of opinion and, ultimately, separation among friends and families.
As Glen describes, the illusion of cohesion has been exposed, and people finally resort to their basic instincts. That is why so much confusion and anger are often misdirected. The BIG LIE lies in the illusion of history, which most of us have grown up with. What is that illusion … I hear you ask? It is that history has always been made up of half-truths, deception, and outright lies, although it has been covered up with propaganda.
The absolute truth is that a dark force has been running through our world for thousands of years, which people fail to recognise and even refuse to admit. But whether we choose to believe it or not doesn’t stop it from being true. The reality is that the world is moving towards a goal set by these same ‘dark forces’ which only the Bible identifies. I wonder if you can identify what this dark might be. Can you identify the goal that this 'dark force' is trying to achieve? Do you know where to go to find out? Do you know what the more powerful force is that is watching everything? I will leave you to ponder!!
Graham Bridger
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