Gavin Ashendon - former Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth II - tells the British people that the King’s Christmas message speech was nothing less than a declaration of CIVIL WAR against ‘the people’ - I have to agree. But this is not new to those who have seen the writing on the wall’ so to speak, coming for many years.
Almost five years ago, in early 2020, the World stood on the brink of the most horrendous crime ever to be committed against humanity when the governments throughout the Western World, acting in unison, effectively declared war in June that year against their populations. Gavin Ashendon stated that the people are angry at the constant government LIES. (See Doctor Peter McCullough Says how they lied and what the agenda 2030 is really about)
In June 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) held in DAVOS Switzerland each year joined in with this declaration but against the whole World under cover of its fake Green Global Agenda. The main speaker was our own, then Prince Charles (that defender of faith), who stood alongside Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, in declaring this war was about to commence. In his message, with clever words of deceptive reassurance, he informed people that the World stood on a precipice of calamity and had a very narrow window of opportunity to ‘set things right’. It required nothing less than resetting all the World’s systems to align with their idea of a utopian future- called THE GREAT RESET.
We now witness the outworking of Agenda 2030 in action as the United Nations and World Economic Forum partner with over a thousand corporations in an attempt to bring about this ‘Utopian’ future for the World. Unfortunately, it has taken far too long for ‘the people’ to wake up to reality, but they are slowly beginning to do so. As a faithful older Christian gentleman said to me recently, ‘It seems that Christians and the Christian church fell at the first hurdle when churches were ordered to be closed and the leaders duly obeyed’.
However, as the former MP for Leicester, Andrew Bridgen, predicted, this would happen in the UK. We now have a government and government leader who the people are starting to despise. At the point of his being ejected from Parliament for the last time, having fought bravely to get the message of the coming One World Government through to politicians and the British people, he told us that the Conservatives were preparing to leave power and ‘Hand over the Batton, to the incoming Labour party. This statement alone says all you need to know about the outgoing Conservative Party, who had effectively ‘done their bit’ to destroy the country over the past 14 years and was handing it over to the Labour Party to finish the job. What is more, Andrew said this just before the election. He was absolutely right, of course, because we, the people, are now seeing the outworking of a Prime Minister who, by his admission, chose DAVOS (The WEF) over the Parliament during an interview given before he was even elected. His exact words are on record, and you can click here to hear them; “Once you get out of Westminster, you can see people you could work with because Westminster is nothing more than a tribal shouting place’.
However, the people of the World should not be surprised to find themselves in this position, with these utopian predictions coming to fruition, because the Bible does speak of a Utopian future figure rising to deal with the chaos that has come about in a prophecy that says clearly that a man (The Antichrist) will be coming into power. He will be seen and received as god and demand the people’s worship under threat of their death. (2 Thessalonians 2 – Revelation 13). It should remind people of a previous psychotic leader who, in WWII, demanded to be worshipped as god. The penalty for not obeying was death. The scene is captured perfectly in the film ‘The Hidden Life’, which, although harrowing, is a must-watch. or Watch the full movie on my Odysee Channel HERE
But the Bible also speaks of another person appearing for the second time in history. He came the first time over 2,000 years ago as a suffering servant of all the people, but he comes a second time, as King of all Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers, to remove this tyrant. He will bring perfect righteousness and justice with him. Therefore, although the ‘man of sin’ (as the Bible declares the antichrist to be) may succeed in his plans to enslave the population of the World for a short while (the Bible indicates it is likely to be only a possible three and a half years). He will be removed by one who comes to rule the entire World and the Universe - ONE WHO IS GOD.
The problem is that people have yet to come to terms with the utopian World they have supported for years with the (Green Agenda and the Zero Carbon policy). These false agendas will not bring the renewed World of peace and happiness they wish it to be. Why? Because after this false leader, who holds himself out to be a god, demonstrating all kinds of miraculous power, is removed from power, the earth and the universe will fall under the direct control of its creator, the one true GOD who is a perfect, righteous judge who is returning to take complete control over a sinful world - his name is Jesus Christ.
If you want to view the actual ‘Kings’ Christmas message, it can be found HERE.
Graham Bridger
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