GLOBALISM - FULL SPEED AHEAD - An Urgent Comment from the I2R Substack Newsletter - 3rd November 2024 - and the "CHURCH NEEDS TO REPENT!"
says Dr Tess Lawrie, the founder of the World Council for Health. We are entering into the last stages very dangerous times in the Western World as it embraces a One-World Governmemental System.
During the past five years, I have attempted to concentrate on publishing items of news that not only provided the truth but also provided Hope for the future for so many lives that have been devastated after the COVID debacle. Today, we see two articles written by two of the United Kingdoms most highly regarded doctors speak out about the whole devastating COVID scene.
During this period, I have also uploaded over 650 videos made by people from all walks of life to my I2R Odysee Video channel. These are just some of those who have been subjected to the worldwide COVID-19 ‘scamdemic’. They are just ordinary members of the public who have been affected by the devastation caused by the false ‘Scandemic’, by the false conspiracy claims and by a Main Stream Media who failed to stand by the truth and mostly by their own Government who have conspired against their own people.. They are in everyday jobs, working as engineers, transport workers, old age care workers, general care workers, nurses, doctors, scientists and many more besides.
I believe that without this video record of events, these brave people, who have been ignored by the main stream media and by the government and often vilified by members of the own friends and families would have never had the opportunity to express their otherwise suppressed pain and anguish.
It is disgraceful to think that highly trained medical professionals have been dismissed from their careers because of standing for truth and medical ethics. They were otherwise most unlikely to have received any favourable publicity from media outlets which everyone should know by now are ‘bought and owned’ by the powerful elites. These are the very ones who have organised behind the scenes ways of vilifying truth-teller and who have done everything they can to persecute those members of the public who wanted to express their views and protect their bodily and personal rights.
But now, the tide is turning, and many more people are waking up to the devastating impact that Western Government policies have had on millions of lives over the past five years. PLEASE take the time to read and listen to the comments made by two of the United Kingdom’s leading medical doctors—Dr Tess Lawrie (World Council for Health) and Dr Liz Evans (Founder of the Medical Freedom Alliance). Both of them have worked extremely hard over the last five years to bring public awareness about the medical tyranny happening as well as the pure medical ethics that should have been taken for granted.
As the World Health Authority, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations finalise their plans to enact their 2030 Agenda fully; we are likely to see all those previously trusted authorities who let everyone down so badly continue to resort to mass coercion and inhuman public polocies and restrictions once again as news of more supposed viruses and pandemics begins to be publicised in the coming weeks and months. BE AWARE!
As a result, I believe that very choppy waters lay ahead for everybody, especially as we are only days away from the US election and only weeks into the premiership of our new globalist Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer.
For those of you who missed Kier Starmer's own admission of being a clear GLOBALIST, I would suggest that you listen to this interview captured by the media some time ago when he was asked, before the election, whether he would prefer DAVOS (The World Economic Forum) or Parliament. He unequivically chose DAVOS and gave his reasons for doing so in this short clip. These remarks alone made it abundantly clear that with his now unchallengeable voting power authority as British Prime Minister, he is highly likely to continue to introduce Globalist policies detrimental to the British people.
Things in the Western World are about to experience some severe storms in the days and months ahead.
I will be continuing to share my thoughts on this whole situation in the weeks ahead - so please keep your eye out for further Newsletters from I2R.
Graham Bridger
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