

Neil Oliver of GB News is one of the bravest media speakers to say it like it is.

Not much more to say … Neil has said it all!!! Or has he?

Although the loss of freedom and freedom of speech has been coming for a long time, people seem slow to realise it. A study of modern and not-so-modern history reveals that it was never intended that we have democratic societies in the first place. Time spent on some serious research will inform you. We are only now beginning to realise this as our new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, is showing his true colours. PLEASE WAKE UP - if our Prime Minister has openly admitted on video that he favours DAVOS (The World Economic Forum) in place of Parliament. He states that ‘Parliament is just a shouting place”. Further “that when you get outside Parliament you can see people you can see working with” ‘

You mean ‘globalists’ openly working towards a One World Governance system Mr Starmer?

WE SHOULD RECOGNISE THE PATHWAY WE ARE ON! He is clearly a Globalist, and that needs to be understood. Just who is he in contact with?

I recall Andrew Bridgen (former MP for Leicester) sitting in the pokey little office allocated to him in Parliament as far away form the Parliamentary debating areas as possible, shortly before he was finally expelled from the Conservative Party. He was being interviewed by Dan Astin-Gregory another alternative-media man. Andrew said he knew the Conservative Party was preparing to hand the baton to the incoming Labour Party at the forthcoming election. In other words, the Conservatives had done their bit, and it was time to hand over power to the next chosen incumbent to finish the country off - (that’s how I read the rest of what he said - anyway).

It is fascinating to study the history of what happened during the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and see how, in ten years or so before Adolf Hitler came to absolute power, numerous draconian laws were gradually introduced. Towards his final rise as the ruler of all, Hitler managed to get the public to accept that it was reasonable and perfectly acceptable to close down political opponents until he was the last man standing!

Anyone interested in how dictortorial leaders intend to govern this country should look at the progressive laws introduced in this country without even a murmur of real oposition from politicians in Parliament. I suggest that if you don’t have much time, at least look at the UK’s ON-Line Safety Act legislation to find out how devastating its contents will be for citizens of this country. And don’t think that is just happening in our country. It is happening all across the Western world. THAT’S JUST ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION to restrict freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of actions.

Just THINK for a few moments in between moments of entertaining yourself.

(I suggest a good book to read concerning how entertainment is likely to be the death of us is - ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ by Neil Postman.

Try to THINK through what the words DISINFORMATION and MISINFORMATION really mean.

Who is going to to be arbitor of such conclusions? It seems apparent that these words mean any information that disagrees with Government narratives.

I always recall Jacinda Arden, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, on video announcing to the population, amid the ‘so-called’ COVID pandemic, “Unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth. Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.”


It is deeply concerning when so many people actually believe this utterly ludicrous statement.

Read the quote from George Orwell’s famous book - 1984

“If all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed - if all records told the same tale, then the lie became truth.”

The idea of politicians representing the people was always a method of fooling them into believing that they mattered and had a say in things!


BUT to the God of the Bible - everyone matters.

Graham Bridger

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